Friday 8 August 2014

"Travel Material"

Hey guys. So as you all know, it's now the summer holidays, the time to relax and spend quality time with your friends and family! Due to Ramadan, my family and I couldn't go on holiday anywhere, as we were fasting and then were going to celebrate Eid-al-Fitr in Swindon. So now that Ramadan is long gone, the time has come to leave Swindon to go and holiday in Aberdeen in Scotland! On Saturday my family and I will be on a 10 hour journey to Aberdeen, which is if you don't know, very far from where we live (hence the 10 hours).

This post is going to be about "A Comfy 10 hour journey Outfit" - As I'll be travelling for a long time, I want to be wearing something comfortable and something that I'll be able to move in. I've picked out my outfit and I thought that I'd share it with you, just in case that any of my readers are going on holiday and would like to wear something "travel material". 

The above picture is my outfit, and it contains a vest top, some trousers a cardigan and a hijab. 

Sorry for the bad quality picture - I'm still saving up for a Canon or Nikon camera (haven't decided yet which to get), if you have any advice or opinions please leave a comment. Anyway the trousers are from Primark, I bought them for £9 and they are honestly super comfy. If you go to the store and they're still available to buy, I really do recommend it. I love these because 1. they really comfortable and 2. because they are really fashionable. I love the colours and the patterns.

This is just a normal black vest top of mine. I bought it from New Look a while back ago but I love wearing it because it's really loose and comfortable. I can't remember exactly how much I paid for it, but I think it was under £5.

This is one of my favourite cardigans to wear mainly because it's really baggy, fashionable and comfortable. The cardigan is actually my sister's but I always wear it, more than her actually. She bought it from River Island a long time ago and I don't know how much she paid for it, so sorry for that. The pockets are quite deep, which I love, because I'm the sort of person who always has their hands in their pockets. 

The last two items of the outfit are the shoes and hijab. The hijab is just a plain black one, usually I'd wear a burgundy one but as I'm trying to pack light for the holiday, I'm taking a black one as I can wear it with all my other outfits. For the shoes I actually have no idea what I'm going to wear, I recently chucked out my black flats as they were like broken and dead. I did buy a new pair yesterday but being the idiot I am, I kind of bought a pair that didn't fit me properly so that's out of the question. I've got a pink/white/fuchsia pair of flats from H&M that I love wearing, but the problem is they're pink/white/fuchsia. :P I think I might just have to wear them but hopefully when I go out in Aberdeen, I can go SHOPPPPIIINGGGG, so the problem will be fixed! 

So anyway that's the outfit details for you. If you want to see how the outfit looks, you can go check out a picture on my Instagram that I uploaded 3 weeks ago. I probably will post when I'm on holiday so you've got that to look forward to. Until then, you guys can keep up with me with my Instagram and Twitter. Bye.


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