Ocean Salt Scrub Review | Lush

Hey guys, how are you all? So I don't know if any of you guys have read this post, but a while ago when I first started Fashion Passion off, I wrote a post on a cosmetic item I bought from Lush, which was the Ocean Salt Scrub. If you would like to read it before this post, here is the link: "Lush Skincare Or Not?" I bought it in August in search of a good skin care product to help get rid of my spots and bad skin. It was £13.95, which was also a large, so if you get the smaller version I think it's around £7. So keep reading if you'd like to know what my overall view is on it!
So the Ocean Salt Scrub claims to help get rid of dead skin and soften any place you use it, leaving you moisturised and supple, and yes, I do agree with that statement made by Lush, however as a whole, I really did not think that it helped my skin get any better. I've nearly finished the pot I have and too be fairly honest, I don't think that I'll be going back to Lush to get another one. I think that if I did see that the scrub was helping I would have finished it quicker and gone to purchase perhaps another, but after having it for nearly 5 months, I can't wait to finish it and be free.
According to my sister and a few other family members, my skin has really improved and gotten a lot better, however I really don't see where they're coming from. When I was around 11, it was the first time I was breaking out in spots, so my skin was horrific and just disgusting. (When I look back I photos, I quite literally fast forward and die of cringe -_-) I'm going to be 14 in January and I just want my skin to be BEAUTIFUL!!! I see all these other fashion and beauty bloggers writing and videoing posts on their skin routines and I'm just here like HELLLPPP!
So overall I didn't really like the Lush Ocean Salt Scrub, but that doesn't mean that I'm not a fan of other Lush products, because I am. I LOVE LUSH! But yeah, the scrub just wasn't for me, maybe it is for someone else. Insha'Allah soon I'll find the perfect scrub or cleanser to help my journey with puberty to be easy and spot free!
Until next time... xoxo
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