Hey guys, so as you all know I've been on holiday to Aberdeen for just over a week now. I returned home safely with my family on Tuesday. I'm sorry that I didn't blog while I was there, my laptop was having some really annoying technical difficulties. So now that those problems are fixed I can tell you how my amazing trip was.
Saturday 9th:
My family and I arrived to my cousin's house in the evening. We settled in and I got my mehndi (henna) done by my very talented cousin.

Sunday 10th:
This was a very hectic day as it was my cousin's
walima day. Everyone woke up early, ate breakfast, put their makeup on, got dressed and left the house to go to the restaurant. If you follow my instagram you would've seen these pictures but for the people who don't...

The bride and groom |
After the party we all went home and just chilled.
Monday 11th:
All the girls had a long lie in... I think I woke up at 11. We just stayed home and did nothing since the weather was really terrible. Just a tip but Aberdeen is like the coldest place ever. If you ever do go there, pack like it's winter!
Tuesday 12th:
I woke up and was surprised with a full english breakfast cooked by my cousin, which was absolutely delicious! Later that day we were invited to lunch by my auntie. We went over and ate and then stayed there until late at night. In that time I learnt how to play Texas Hold'em Poker by my brothers. Obviously since gambling is haraam, we played with monopoly money and it was actually really fun and I've got to admit, I was really good!
Wednesday 13th:
Again we did nothing because of the weather. We watched a film called The Call with Halle Berry in it and it was really good. I recommend it to my readers.
Thursday 14th:
We went to Union Square which is where the shopping centre is in Aberdeen. I didn't buy anything sadly but everyone else did. It was my mum's birthday, so we bought cake and celebrated. That was it. (My family's really boring!)
Friday 15th:
This day was really interesting and fun. My family and I went to the beach and even though it was really cold and was partially raining, we all still managed to have fun. After that we spent half an hour searching for a restaurant to eat at - We decided Chiquitos. The food there is absolutely spectacular. Even though there's only vegetarian options since the food's not halaal, I really enjoyed my meal and was stuffed.
Saturday 16th:
We did nothing. That's all. Maybe played a few card games.
Sunday 17th:
Since my cousin's wedding was in the evening, my family and I had to time to chill. I know you must be thinking, "isn't he already married, since he's had his walima"... no, he basically did things opposite to what should've happened. Everyone started getting ready at 3pm and we left the house at half 6 for the venue, which was 40 minutes away in Aberdeenshire. To be honest I preferred this party to the Asian one. For those of you who don't know, my cousin is 3/4 Bengali and 1/4 Jamaican. His wife Hannah is 1/2 Scottish and 1/2 Algerian. Sooo their kids will be of four different nationalities (so jel)!
The food was debatable on whether it was nice or not - the starter was edible (carrot and orange soup) but the main and dessert I really liked (chicken with a cheese sauce, boiled potatoes, carrots and peas and cake). The speeches were emotional but beautiful and all round everything was great! Alhamdulillah.
It was also my cousin's birthday, she turned 25 and Yusuf's, who turned 3. We bought two cakes and successfully fattened our selves up!
Monday 18th:
Everyone had a chilled day, we watched a movie called You're Next, which was supposed to be a horror, but my family and I found it as a comedy. Truly was so funny, definitely a laugh out loud type of film. My cousins who live in London went home that evening by plane and safely got home.
Tuesday 19th:
My family came back to crap Swindon.
The End.
So yeah that was my trip to Aberdeen, some days were good and some days were boring as hell. Seeing the family was great though. I think I'm going to London on Saturday with my mum for a couple of days, so that'll kind of be another mini holiday.
Sorry if this post dragged, didn't know if I should've done it in parts or not.
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